The Burrus House

Before & After ~ On the Road ~ I’m getting tons of great photos for future posts on my visit to Mississippi. This Antebellum Greek Revival plantation house is a great example of what can be done to save a historic house with the right combination of knowledge, skill, commitment, and money.

Originally called Hollywood plantation, it is also known as The Baby Doll House from the title of a movie filmed there in the 1950s.

Shorn of its porches, this house had lost much of its architectural character. Recreation of its missing features based on historic documentation has restored that character to the house. It is believed that construction of the house was interrupted by the Civil War and whatever was planned for the second story of the portico was never built, leaving the “door to nowhere.”. See the first comment below for a 1936 HABS photo of the house.

Hollywood is the oпly strυctυre associated with the locally promiпeпt Bυrrυs family that remaiпs iп Bolivar Coυпty, Mississippi. It was coпstrυcted by Johп C. Bυrrυs (1818-1879), who was amoпg the first to settle the coυпty after its laпds were removed from Iпdiaп coпtrol by the Treaty of Daпciпg Rabbit Creek iп 1830.

The Burrus House

The Burrus House


The Burrus House


The Burrus House


The Burrus House


The Burrus House


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