Mesmerizing Wildlife Footage: Tigers’ Serene Water Oasis with Family (Video)


Mesmerizing Wildlife Footage: Tigers’ Serene Water Oasis with Family (Video)



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Majestic tiger family filmed drinking water together, videos amazes Twitter

Netizens are amazed with the posture and beautiful stance of the tigers while they drink water.

Susanta Nanda tweeted a video of a tigress with her three cubs drinking water at a watering hole.(Twitter/@susantananda3)Susanta Nanda tweeted a video of a tigress with her three cubs drinking water at a watering hole.(Twitter/@susantananda3)

Tigers can be hard to spot even when one is on a safari. That’s why this tweet from Indian Forest Services officer Susanta Nanda is a treat for nature lovers. Earlier today, Nanda tweeted a video of a tigress with her three cubs drinking water at a watering hole.

The majestic posture of the exotic animals is a pleasure to watch and people on Twitter cannot stop posting comments about them. In his tweet, the IFS officer wrote “A tiger can live without food for 2 weeks, but without water for 4 days max.”

Stay tuned with breaking news on HT Channel on Facebook.

Within these few hours, the video has collected almost 6,000 views and more than 1,000 likes – and still counting. The tweet has also gathered several reactions – while some are surprised at such a clear view of the tigers drinking water, many are amazed with the posture and beautiful stance of the animals while they drink water.

Within these few hours, the video has collected almost 6,000 views and more than 1,000 likes – and still counting. The tweet has also gathered several reactions – while some are surprised at such a clear view of the tigers drinking water, many are amazed with the posture and beautiful stance of the animals while they drink water.


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